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Tax Dictionary - Know the meaning of tax jargons
However, understanding tax terms can make dealing with them, less stressful. Use Tax2win Tax Dictionary to help clarify any confusion while filing income tax.
Aadhaar: What is Aadhar Card, Eligibility, Benefits
Absorption Costing
Acceptance: What It is, Explanation, Example
Accounting - Definition & Advantages of Accounting | What is Accounting?
Accounting Cycle
Accounting Principles
Accrual Accounting
Accrued Income: What is Accrued Income, Examples, Advantages
Accumulated Depreciation - Definition & Advantages of Accumulated Depreciation
Acid Test Ratio
Acquisition - Definition & Advantages of Acquisition
Advance Payment
Advance Tax: What is Advance Tax, Eligibility, Benefits
Affiliate Marketing: What it is and how it works
Amalgamation: Definition & Advantages of Amalgamation | What is Amalgamation?
Amendment: Definition and the Explanation
Anchoring: Definition, How it Works, and Example
Annual Budget
Appreciation: Definition, How it Works, and Appreciation vs Depreciation
Artificial Intelligence: Definition, How it Works
Assessee: Assessee Meaning, Types
Assessment Year (AY): Meaning, Example
Atm Card - Definition & Advantages of Atm Card | What is Atm Card?
Audit Trail
Audit: Definition, Types, and Importance
Authorised Capital
Average Cost
Average Propensity to Consume
Backward Integration: What is Backward Integration, its Benefits, and example
Bad Debt
Balance of Trade
Balance Sheet: Definition, How it Works and Components
Banking: What is Banking, How it Works, Types
Barcode: Definition, How it Works, and Types
Barter System
Base Year
Basel Iii
Bear Hug: What is Bear Hug, Explanation, and Example
Bear: What is Bear in Stock Market, How Bear Profits, and Bearish Characteristics
Below Poverty Line (BPL): What is BPL, Features, Advantages
Beneficial Owner
Beta: What it is, How it is used by Investors, and Values of Beta
Big Data: Definition, How it Works, Advantages and Disadvantages
Bill Of Entry - Definition & Advantages of Bill Of Entry | What is Bill Of Entry?
Bill Of Exchange - What is Bill Of Exchange?, Definition & Advantages
Binary Option: What is binary option, binary option in India, and example
Bitcoin: Definition and How Bitcoin Mining Works
Block - Definition & Advantages of Block | What is Block?
Bonus Issue
Book Building - Definition & Advantages of Book Building
Boot - Definition & Advantages of Boot | What is Boot?
Boutique: What is Boutique and How it Works
Bubble: What it is and How it Works
Bucket: Definition, How It Works, and Types of Bucket Strategy
Bucketing: Definition, Explanation, and Legitimate Use of It
Budget Deficit: What is Budget Deficit, Formula, Types
Bull Market
Bull: Definition, Explanation, and Characteristics
Business Cycle
Business Economics
Business: Definition, How Business Works, and Types
Buyback: What is Buyback, Types, Specifications
Cag Comptroller And Auditor General Of India
Call Money
Capital Account - Definition & Advantages of Capital Account | What is a Capital Account?
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Capital Expenses
Capital Formation
Capital Gain
Capital Gearing
Capital Investment
Capital Rationing
Capital Structure
Capitalize: What is Capitalize, Explanation, and Benefits
Cash Book - Definition & Advantages of Cash Book | What is a Cash Book?
Cash Cow
Cash Credit: Definition & Advantages of Cash Credit | What is Cash Credit?
Cash Equivalents: What is Cash Equivalents, Types, and Impact on the company
Cash Flow Statement: Definition, How It Used, and Its Structure
Cash Transaction - What is Cash Transaction?, Definition & Examples
Catalyst: Definition, How It Works in Finance, and Example
Caveat Emptor
CCI (Competition Commission of India)
Ceteris Paribus: What is Ceteris Paribus, Explanation
Cheque - Definition & Advantages of Cheque | What is a Cheque?
CIF Number
Claim Settlement Ratio: What is Claim Settlement Ratio, Calculator, and Importance
Classical Economics
Closed Economy
Commercial Property
Commodities: Definition, Explanation and How Commodities are traded in India?
Communism: Definition, Origin, and the Difference Between Communism and Socialism
Company Limited By Shares - Definition & Advantages of Company Limited By Shares
Complementary Goods
Compound Interest: What it is and the Formula of Compound Interest
Conglomerate - Definition & Advantages of Conglomerate | What is Conglomerate?
Consolidated Fund of India
Consumer Goods
Continentals: Definition and Explanation
Convertible Debenture
Conveyance: What is Conveyance, Types, and Example
Copyright: Definition and How it Works
Corporate Debt Restructuring
Corporate Finance
Corporate Tax
Corporation: Definition, How it Works, and Types of Corporations in India
Corpus - Definition & Advantages of Corpus | What is Corpus?
Cost Accounting: Definition, Examples, Types
Cost of Capital
Cost Of Debt
Cost Of Labour: Definition, Types, Formula
Cover: Definition and How it Works
Credit and Debt
Credit Card - Definition & Advantages of Credit Card | What is Credit Card?
Credit Money - Definition & Advantages of Credit Money | What is Credit Money?
Credit Risk
Cross: Definition, How it Works,
Cryptocurrency: Definition, How it works, and legal status in India
CTS Cheque Truncation System: Definition, Process, Benefits
Currency: Definition and the Origin of the Currency
Current Account: Definition, How it Works, and Types
Customer: Definition, Explanation, and Types of Customers
Cyclical Unemployment
Data Analytics: Definition and Process
Data Science: Definition and Life Cycle
Debit - Definition & Advantages of Debit | What is Debit?
Debit Note - Definition & Advantages of Debit Note
Debt - Definition & Advantages of Debt
Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR)
Deferred Compensation
Deferred Revenue
Delivery Trading - Definition & Advantages of Delivery Trading
Demand Deposit What Is Demand Deposit
Demand Draft
Demand Schedule
Demographic Dividend
Depressed: What it is, Explanation, and Cause of Depression in Economy
Derived Demand
Digital Marketing: Definition and the Types of Digital Marketing Channels
Direct Cost
Direct Tax - What is Direct Tax?, Definition & Advantages of Direct Tax
Disguised Unemployment - Definition, its Causes, Impact and Forms of Disguised Unemployment
Dispersion in Investment - Definition & Advantages of Dispersion | What is Dispersion?
Distribution Channel
Dividend Payout Ratio
Double Taxation
Dumping: What is dumping, Dumping in Indian Economics, and Types
Earnest Money - Definition & Advantages of Earnest Money | What is Earnest Money?
Earning Yield: What is earning yield, how it works, and how it helps investors
Earnings Per Share
Easement - Definition & Advantages of Easement
Ebitda Margin
Economically Weaker Section Ews - What is Economically Weaker Section Ews?
Economics: Definition and Importance of Economics
ECS (Electronic Clearance Service)
Elasticity Of Demand - Definition & Advantages of Elasticity Of Demand | What is Elasticity Of Demand?
Entrepreneur: Definition and How Entrepreneur Works
EPS (Earnings Per Share)
Escalator Clause: What is an Escalator Clause, How it works, and Types
Ex Gratia Payment: Definition, Benefits, and Tax Implications
Exchange: Definition, How it Works, and List of Indian Stock Exchange
Exempt Income - What is Exempt Income? & Eligibility
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
Explicit Costs
Expropriation: What is Expropriation, Challenge, and Implications
Face Value - Definition & Advantages of Face Value | What is Face Value?
Fear and Greed Index
Felony: What is felony, classification of felony
Fiat Money
Fiduciary Meaning
Financial Accounting - What is Financial Accounting?, Definition & Types
Financial Analysis
Financial Crisis
Financial Fraud
Financial Instrument
Financial Intermediary
Financial Literacy
Financial Risk
Financial Sector: What is financial sector, Explanation, and Classification
Financial Statements
Financial System
Financial Technology
Fiscal Policy
Fixed Cost
Fixed Exchange Rate
Flipping - Definition, Risk of Flipping & How Does it Work | What is Flipping?
FMCG Products - Definition & Advantages of FMCG Products | What are FMCG Products?
Focused Fund
Foreign Exchange Market
Forensic Audit
Forfeited Share
Form 16: What is Form 16, Parts
Form 26AS - Definition of Form 26AS
FPOFull Form - Definition & Advantages of FPO
Frictional Unemployment
Front Office
Futures: Definition, How it Works, and Difference between Futures and Options
Gantt Chart: Definition, How it Works, and Benefits
GBP - Definition & Advantages of GBP| What is GBP?
GDP Deflator
Gemini Exchange: Definition, How it Works, and How to Trade on Gemini
Gic Full Form Guaranteed Investment Certificate - Definition & Advantages of Gic
Giffen goods
Gig Economy
Global Innovation Index: What is Global Innovation Index, and How it Works
Government And Policy
Gray Market: What is gray market, How it works, and How IPO shares are traded
Grey Market
Gross Total Income
Gross Working Capital
Handle: Definition, How it Works, Handles and Foreign Exchange Market
Hard Stop
Harmonic Mean
Historical Cost
Holding Company - Definition & Advantages of Holding Company | What is a Holding Company?
Horizontal Line - Definition, Explanation & Use of Horizontal Line | What is Horizontal Line?
Hostile Takeover: What is Hostile Takeover, How it Works
Iffco Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited
Imperfect Competition
Implicit Cost
Implied Contract - Definition & Advantages of Implied Contract | What is Implied Contract?
Import Duty
Imprest - Definition & Advantages of Imprest | What is Imprest?
Income Elasticity of Demand
Income tax
Income Tax Rate
Income Tax Refund
Income Tax Return
Independent Contractor
Indexing: Definition and How it Works
India Vix - Definition & Advantages of India Vix | What is India Vix?
Indifference Curve
Indirect Tax - What is Indirect Tax?, Definition & Types
Industrialization: What It Is?, Advantages & Disadvantages
Industry: Definition, Classification, and How Investors Use Industry
Inferior Goods
Inflation Accounting
Inflation: Definition, Its Impact on Indian Consumers, and What Causes Inflation
Inflationary Gap
Instrument: Definition and Explanation
Insurable Interest
Insurance Grace Period
Interest: Definition, Functions, and what is Interest Rate?
Interim Dividend - Definition & Advantages of Interim Dividend | What is Interim Dividend?
Internal Audit - Definition & Advantages of Internal Audit | What is Internal Audit?
Intrinsic Value
Investing: Definition, Types of Investing
Investment Banker: Definition, Role and Responsibilities
Investment Banking
Invisible Trade: What is Invisible Trade, Explanation, and Example
ITR forms
ITR-V: What It Is and How to Download the Form
Jackpot: Definition and Explanation
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
Joint Account
Kiosk Banking - Definition & Advantages of Kiosk Banking | What is Kiosk Banking?
Labour Force Participation Rate
Laffer Curve: What is Laffer Curve, and its Impact
Land Value
Land: Definition, Valuation, and Importance of Owning a Land
Last Traded Price (LTP): What is Last Traded Price, Impact, Importance
Law of Supply
Law of Supply and Demand
Layoff: What it is, Explanation, and Reasons of Layoffs
Leadership: Definition, Evolution from Management, and the Servant Leadership Approach
Ledger Balance
Legal Tender
Letter of Indemnity
Leverage - Definition & Advantages of Leverage | What is Leverage?
Lien - Definition & Advantages of Lien | What is Lien?
Limit Order
Liquid Assets
Liquidation - Definition & Advantages of Liquidation | What is Liquidation?
Liquidity Adjustment Facility
Load: Definition, How Load Works
Logo: Definition, Its Importance, and Elements
Lokayukta: Definition, Appointment and Structure
Lorenz Curve
Lottery: What is a lottery? Advantages and disadvantages of lottery
Marginal Standing Facility
Market - Definition & Advantages of Market | How market works
Market Share: Definition, Explanation, and Formula
Marketable Securities
Marketing: Definition and Five Concepts of Marketing
MCX Multi Commodity Exchange - Definition & Advantages of MCX Multi Commodity Exchange | What is MCX Multi Commodity Exchange?
Mean - What is Mean? how to find the mean in mathematics, and the formula
Merchant Banking - Definition & Advantages of Merchant Banking | What is Merchant Banking?
Minority Interest
Mixed Economic System
Money Management
Monopoly: What It is, Explanation, Types of Monopoly
Moral Suasion
Muhurat Trading
Multibagger Stocks Multibagger - Definition & Advantages of Multibagger Stocks Multibagger | What is Multibagger Stocks Multibagger?
NABARD - Definition & Advantages of NABARD
Narrow Money
NDNC Registry
Near Money
Negotiable Instrument Act
Net Sales
Net Worth - Definition & Advantages of Net Worth | What is Net Worth?
NITI Aayog
Noncurrent Assets
Nostro Account
Nsdl National Securities Depository Limited - Definition & Advantages of Nsdl National Securities Depository Limited | What is Nsdl National Securities Depository Limited?
Occupancy Certificate
Operating Profit
Operating Revenue
Optimal Capital Structure
Ordinary Shares
Overlay: Definition, Importance, and the Role in Portfolio Management
Pac Man - Definition & Advantages of Pac Man | How Pac Man defense strategy works
Paid Up Capital
Parent Company
Participatory Notes
Passive Income
Payment Banks: What is Payment banks, Example, Advantages
Payment: Definition and How it Works
PayPal: Definition, How it Works
Payroll: What It is, Explanation, and Pre-Payroll Phase
Peer Group
Per Capita Income
Personal Finance
Petition - Definition & Advantages of Petition | What is Petition?
Petty Cash
Physical Capital - Definition & Advantages of Physical Capital | What is Physical Capital?
PLI Scheme - What is PLI Scheme?, Definition & Benefits
Portfolio Construction
Portfolio Investment
Portfolio Management: What is Portfolio Management, Objectives, and Types
Positive Economics
Predator: Definition, How it Works, and Considerations of Strategic Acquisitions
Preference Shares
Previous Year - What is Previous Year In Income Tax?
Price Elasticity Of Demand
Prima Facie
Primary Deficit
Priority Sector Lending - What is Priority Sector Lending?, Definition & Categories
Private Placement: What is Private Placement, Time Limit, and Rules
Private Sector
Procurement: What It is, Its Importance, and Process
Production Cost
Profit Center: What is Profit Center, How Profit Center Works
Project Finance
Promissory Estoppel
Promissory Note
Property Management
Property Rights: What are Property Rights, How to Obtain
Proxy: What it is, How it Works, and Proxy Statement
Public Company
Put Call Ratio: What it is and How it Works
Qip Qualified Institutional Placement - Definition & Advantages of Qip Qualified Institutional Placement
Quasi Contract - What is Quasi Contract?, Definition & Advantages
Quotation: Definition, How to Write, and Inclusion
Ratio Analysis - Definition, Goals & Benefits
Rationalisation - What is Rationalisation?, Definition & Elements
Raw Materials - Definition & Advantages of Raw Materials | What is Raw Materials?
Real Income
Receiver: Definition, Role, and Responsibilities
Recession: What is Recession, What Causes It, and Indicators
Red: Definition and Explanation of Red in FInance
Register: What it is, and Explanation of Register
Regression: Definition, Explanation, and Types
Replacement Cost
Repo Repurchase Agreement
Reserve Fund
Retail Banking: What is Retail Banking, Types, Services
Retained Earnings - What is Retained Earnings?, Definition & Advantages
Retirement Benefits
Revenue - Definition & Advantages of Revenue management
Revenue Deficit: What is Revenue Deficit, Formula, Implications
Reverse Auction
Risk: What is Risk, Basics of Risk, and Types
Run: What it is, Explanation, and Factors to Consider
S&P 500 Index: Definition, what does it measure, and What Affects the S&P 500?
Sale: What it is, How it Works, and Types of Sale
Sample: Definition, Importance, and Types of Sampling with Example
Sampling: Definition, Sampling Error, and Different Methods of Sampling
Scalar Chain
Scarcity - Definition & Advantages of Scarcity | What is Scarcity?
Scheduled Bank
Security: What is Security, Explanation, and Types of Security
Self Assessment Tax: What is Self Assessment Tax, Who Should Pay
Sensitivity Analysis
Service Charge
SGX Nifty - What is SGX Nifty?, Definition & Benefits of Sgx Nifty
Share Capital
Share Certificate
Sinking Fund
Skimming: Definition, How It Works, and Some Tips to Avoid Getting Skimmed
Social Science: What It is, Explanation, Branches of Social Science
Soft Skills: Definition, Explanation, and Examples
Sole Proprietorship
Solvency Ratio
Specimens of different ITR form
Speculation: Definition & Advantages of Speculation | What is Speculation?
Spot Market
Square Off - Definition & Advantages of Square Off | What is Square Off?
Stamp Duty
Standard Deviation: What It is, Its Importance, and Formula
Statistics: Definition, Scope, and Types of Statistics
Statutory Audit
Stock Trading
Stocks: Definition, Types of Stocks, and Factors to Consider for Investing
Strategic Alliance
Subscribed: What it is, How it Works, and Its Outcomes
Subvention Meaning
Sunrise Industry
Suspense Account
Sustainability: What It is, Explanation, Benefits of Sustainability in Business
Swap: What is Swap, Types, Uses, Example
Sweep Account
Swing Trading
Switching: Definition, How it Works, and Drawbacks
SWOT Analysis: Definition and Explanation
Systematic Risk
TAN: What is TAN, Structure, Who can Apply
Tax Advisor
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS): What is TDS, How it Works, Advantages
Tax Planning - What is Tax Planning?, Importance & Benefits
Taxation - Definition & Advantages of Taxation
Tender - Definition & Advantages of Tender | What is a Tender?
Tenement: What is Tenement, and The History of Tenements in India
Term Loan
Ticker Symbol
Ticker Tape - Definition & Advantages of Ticker Tape | What is Ticker Tape?
Time Value of Money
Top Gainers
Total Utility
Trade Credit: What is Trade Credit, Its Benefits, and Potential Risks
Trade Deficit
Trading Platform
Transaction: Definition, Explanation, and Types of Transactions
Transfer Pricing
Trial Balance
Understanding Chapter VI-A: Key Sections and Deductions
Understanding Computation of Income: Definition and Example
Understanding the White Revolution: Definition, Mechanisms, and advantages
Underwater: Definition and Explanation of Underwater
Underwriter: Who is Underwriter, and what does he do?
Underwriting - Definition & Advantages of Underwriting | What is Underwriting?
Unicorn: Definition, How it works, and why it matters
Unit Cost: What is Unit Cost, Formula, and Example
Unsystematic Risk
Value - Definition & explanation of Value | What is Value?
Variable Cost
Vested Interest: What is Vested Interest, and its Explanation
Visa Card
Vostro Account
Voucher - Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages of Voucher
Wealth Management
Weighted Average
Weighted: What It is, Explanation
Welfare Economics
What is a deposit slip?
What is a Stock Screener?
What Is Amortization - Definition & Advantages of Amortization | What is Amortization?
What is Bailment?
What is Credit Score? How it Works
What is Credit Score? How it Works
What is e-Verify and Its Benefits for Income Tax Returns
What is IPO
What is Macro Environment?, Examples & Advantages
What Is the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility? With Example
What is Tort Law?
White Caller
White Paper: Definition, Types, and How to Write White Paper
Wholesale Banking
Wholesale Trade
Working Capital
Year to Date, YTD
Yo Yo: Definition, How it Works, and Example
Zero Coupon Bond
Zombies: What it is, External Risk to Zombies Company, and its Effect on the Economy
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