Share Certificate

What is a share certificate?

A share certificate is a written and signed document that shows the ownership of a certain number of shares in a company by the person whose name is mentioned on it. The company issues a share certificate after its incorporation as per the Indian Companies Act. The share certificate contains the details of the share owned by the person and the issuing date.

Share Certificate Explained

Shareholders who hold stock certificates can delegate their voting rights to another person. Similarly, shareholders who do not have certificates can also appoint proxies to grant them the authority to vote on their behalf. The voting rights are subject to the company's charter and corporate laws.

A replacement share certificate is issued when an investor's original share certificate is lost, stolen, or damaged. The replacement share certificate will reflect the same number of shares as the original one. The company will collect the damaged certificates before issuing replacement ones. Shareholders have the option to request separate certificates if they desire. Otherwise, they will receive a single certificate.

In the past, share certificates were required to claim the right to receive dividends. When the companies paid dividends to the shareholders, they marked the back of the share certificate with a payment receipt.


Details mentioned in the share certificates

  • Company Name

  • Company CIN number

  • Name of the share owners 

  • Registered office address of the company

  • Member’ Folio number 

  • Amount paid for the shares

  • Total number of shares issued by the company

  • Number of the share certificate