Weighted Average

What is Weighted Average?

Weighted average is an important metric in financial analysis, taking careful account of the subtle significance of individual data points within the dataset. This process involves assigning predetermined weights to each data point, after which these values ​​are multiplied before performing the final calculations. This method overcomes the simplicity of traditional averaging, where each data point holds an equal weight. By incorporating different weights based on the relative importance of data points, a weighted average achieves a heightened level of accuracy in reflecting the overall characteristics of the dataset. This analytical approach proves particularly valuable in financial valuation, enabling a more nuanced and accurate portrayal of the collected data, which is essential for making informed decisions in the financial sector.

Weighted Average Explained

In financial computations, moving away from the egalitarian method of a simple average or arithmetic mean, the principle of equal treatment is abandoned in favor of strategic precision when employing a weighted average. Unlike the equal distribution of weights in a simple average, a weighted average strategically assigns predetermined weights to each data point, tracing individual elements' relative importance before calculations are made.

In the context of long-term stock position building, where investors build up their holdings over several years, the task of monitoring the cost basis and evaluating the changing relative values ​​of stocks naturally becomes complex. To overcome this complexity, investors resort to calculating a weighted average of share prices. This involves multiplying the price of each share by the corresponding quantity of shares acquired at different points, summing these values ​​, and dividing the cumulative value by the total number of shares. This nuanced approach provides investors with more sensible metrics, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation based on overall costs over the investment horizon.


Formula of Weighted Average

The weighted average formula is:

Weighted Average = ∑ (Weights×Quantities) / ∑ Weights

where Wi is the weight for each value Xi​, the weights can be expressed as percentages, decimals, or integers, and they do not need to add up to 1 or 100%. To calculate the weighted average, you need to multiply each value by its weight, add up the outcomes, and divide by the sum of the weights.