CIF Number

What is CIF Number?

CIF stands for Customer Identification File which is a digital file and is a unique number for every bank customer. A bank can identify customer details through its CIF ID, which is an 11-digit code. Customers have a different CIF number, often called a "CIF ID." The CIF number can be used to retrieve every piece of information kept in the CIF (Customer Identification File). An individual’s CIF no. should not be shared with everyone as it contains detailed sensitive information for a customer from personal to account. 


How to find CIF number?

The Customer Information File (CIF) Number can typically be found on the first page of the passbook or the checkbook in select banks. If the passbook is unavailable, there are alternative methods for obtaining the CIF number:

  •    Utilize the Internet banking service and locate the CIF number in the account profile or summary section upon logging in.

  •    Contact the bank's toll-free number, providing necessary personal details such as name, contact number, email address, and account number for assistance in retrieving the CIF number.

  •    Send an SMS to the bank's designated number in the prescribed format to receive the CIF number.

  •    Visit the bank branch and consult with a customer service representative to acquire the CIF number.

  •    Access online bank statements through net banking and identify the CIF number within the statement.


Benefits of having a CIF number

Here's why you need to have a CIF number:

  1. It lets the bank easily recognise you when you use a particular service or transact business with the bank.

  2. If you have a CIF number, you can also apply for Loans and credit cards and make investments through your personalised offers on products and services provided by your bank online linked to your CIF.

  3. Through CIF numbers, banks may offer various services to their customers effectively and seamlessly.

  4. Using the CIF number, banks can access any crucial data of their customers. All CIF numbers are saved on the bank's server, and having access to this information allows them to carry out several tasks, including approving loan applications and verifying transactional data.

  5. Trail of one-time passwords (OTPs) that a client has obtained are stored in the CIF number associated with that customer.

  6. Based on the CIF number, banks offer specific products. Different products' fees and customer tiers are chosen based on the Total Relationship Value (TRV) and Customer Relationship Value (CRV).