Primary Deficit

What is primary deficit?

The meaning of the term "deficit" is not the same as that of the term "debt," which is an accumulation of the total deficits in a year. A deficit will occur when a government's expenditures exceed the total annual revenue generated. In other words, it is the amount by which a government's expenditures exceed its income, excluding interest payments on any debt that it owes.

The term primary deficit is measured as the difference between the total spending on goods and services done by the present government and the total annual revenue in the present year incurred from all kinds of taxes. The primary deficit differs from the total deficit or the fiscal deficit. Here, the total deficit is the value of the interest payments on a debt, if any, plus the primary deficit.

It is the difference between the current year’s fiscal deficit and the interest paid on the borrowings of the previous year. Shrinking the primary deficit indicates progress toward fiscal health.

What is the formula for the primary deficit?

Suppose, for a respective government, the timeframe is t, the government spending or gross fiscal deficit is G, and Interest Payment is T. Then the primary deficit is (G – T) in the timeframe of t. 

Understand the concept of Primary deficit using the formula mentioned below:

Gross Primary Deficit = Gross Fiscal Deficit - Interest Payments = G - T 

Here, the terms represent 

  • Gross Primary Deficit is the total government spending.

  • Gross Fiscal Deficit is total expenditure minus Total receipts (excluding borrowings).

  • Interest Payments (eliminating the interest paid on the debt). 

Primary deficit indicates the borrowings of a government, eliminating the interest rate. It also defines the government's total expenses incurred in a year, other than the interest paid on the respective borrowings.


Implications of Primary Deficit

The ramifications of a primary deficit are contingent upon its scale and duration. A high primary deficit can detrimentally impact the economy, whereas a low or zero primary deficit may signal a stable fiscal stance and bolster credit reliability.

Economists generally advocate for governments to target a sustained low or zero primary deficit. This strategy serves to uphold a manageable government debt-to-GDP ratio and guarantees the availability of fiscal reserves to foster economic expansion and advancement