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Goods Transport Agency under GST

Updated on: 22 Oct, 2024 03:26 PM

Transportation plays an integral role in the Indian economy, as any issue in the transportation of goods can disrupt the entire business channel. GTA or Goods Transport Agency under GST facilitates the smooth movement of goods and services from production to consumption. However, it is important to understand the tax implications of GTAs. This guide focuses on the Goods Transport Agencies (GTAs) and provides a comprehensive overview of the applicability of GST to their operations, including details about exemptions, registration, invoicing, etc.

Goods Transportation Under GST

Roadways are one of the most popular forms of goods transport in India. As per the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) roads contribute about 65% freight and 80% passenger traffic.

Transportation of goods by road is done by a transporter or courier agency. This article talks about the transporter, i.e., the GTA.

What Service of Transportation of Goods is Exempt Under GST?

Transportation of goods is exempt from GST when done by road, except for services provided by:

  • Goods Transport Agencies (GTA)
  • Courier agencies
  • Inland waterways

Therefore, transporting goods by road remains exempt from GST, with GST applying only to Goods Transport Agencies (GTA).

What is a Goods Transport Agency Under GST?

A Goods Transport Agency or GTA under GST means any person who provides service related to the transport of goods by road and issues consignment notes by whatever name is called. While others can also hire vehicles for goods transportation, only those issuing a consignment note are considered as GTA. Thus, a consignment note is an important condition that needs to be considered for GTA.

What is a Consignment Note?

A consignment note is a document issued by a goods transport agency when they receive goods for transport by road in a goods carriage. If the transporter does not issue a consignment note, they are not classified as a goods transport agency.

When a consignment note is issued, the transporter takes responsibility for the goods, as the lien is transferred to them. They are accountable for the safe delivery of the goods to the consignee.

A consignment note, which is numbered in sequence, includes:

  • Name of the consignor
  • Name of the consignee
  • Registration number of the carriage of the goods
  • Details of the goods
  • Place of origin
  • Place of destination
  • The person responsible for paying GST (consignor, consignee, or the GTA).

What are the Servies Provided by a Goods Transport Agency?

The service covers not just the actual transportation of goods but also includes related services such as:

  • Loading and unloading
  • Packing and unpacking
  • Trans-shipment
  • Temporary warehousing

If these services are part of the overall transportation and not provided as separate activities, they are also covered under the scope of a goods transport agency (GTA).

What was the Case Under Service Tax?

Under the Service Tax laws, the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) was also applicable. There was a 60% abatement (making 40% of the value taxable) for the transportation of used household goods and a 70% abatement (leaving 30% taxable) for the transportation of regular goods.

What is the GST Rate on GTA?

Service by a GTA GST Rate
Transporting agricultural produce, milk, salt, food grains (including flour, pulses, rice), organic manure, newspapers/magazines registered with the Registrar of Newspapers, relief materials for disaster victims, and defense or military equipment. 0%
Transporting goods where the transportation charge for a consignment in a single carriage is less than ₹1,500. 0%
Transporting goods where the transportation charge for a single consignee does not exceed ₹750 0%
Transporting any other goods 5% (No ITC) or 12% (with ITC)
Transporting used household goods for personal use 0%
Transporting goods for unregistered persons Initially exempted, now taxable (list yet to be notified)
Transporting goods for unregistered casual taxable persons Initially exempted, now taxable (list yet to be notified)
Transporting goods (GST paid by GTA) 5% (No ITC) or 12% (with ITC)
Transporting goods for 7 specified recipients Forward charge: 12% (with ITC) or 5% (without ITC). If there is no declaration, a reverse charge applies.
Hiring out a vehicle to a GTA 0%

Is a GTA Required to Register Under GST?

There was significant confusion regarding whether a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) needs to register under GST. Any person providing only taxable goods or services that fall under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) is exempt from registering under GST.

Therefore, a GTA is not required to register under GST if they exclusively transport goods where the tax is paid by the recipient under the reverse charge, even if their turnover exceeds the threshold limit.

Additionally, if a GTA is GST-registered, you can verify the authenticity of their GSTIN using the GST search tool.

When is a Goods Transport Agency Required to Register Under GST?

Service Turnover GST Paid By
Case 1
Transporting goods of a registered dealer or any of the businesses mentioned 9 lakhs Registered dealer/ recipient of services under RCM.
Transporting goods of unregistered dealer 3 lakhs GTA is liable to pay GST.
Total Turnover 12 lakhs Aggregate turnover is less than Rs.20 lakhs threshold. GTA is not required to register.
Case 2
Transporting goods of a registered dealer or any of the businesses mentioned 19 lakhs Registered dealer/ recipient of services under RCM.
Transporting goods of unregistered dealer 3 lakhs GTA is liable to pay GST.
Total Turnover Rs.22 lakhs Aggregate turnover exceeds the Rs.20 lakhs threshold. GTA will have to register as it is supplying to URD.
Case 3
Transporting goods of a registered dealer or any of the businesses mentioned 25 lakhs Registered dealer/ recipient of services under RCM.
Transporting goods of unregistered dealer 0 lakhs —----
Total turnover 25 lakhs Aggregate turnover exceeds the Rs.20 lakhs threshold. GTA is still not required to register under GST.

Note: The GST registration threshold for goods suppliers has been increased to Rs. 40 lakhs.

Who Pays GST While Booking of Goods to Transport Agency Under GST?

When a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) provides services to certain businesses, the recipient of those services is responsible for paying GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). This means the liability to pay GST shifts from the GTA to the service recipient.

Which Businesses Have to Pay GST Under Reverse Charge Mechanism for a GTA?

The following businesses (recipients of services) are required to pay GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism when receiving services from a GTA:

  • Factories registered under the Factories Act, 1948
  • Societies registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any other law
  • Co-operative societies established under any law
  • GST-registered persons
  • Bodies corporate established by or under any law
  • Partnership firms, whether registered or not (including Associations of Persons or AOPs)
  • Casual taxable persons

Who Pays Under Reverse Charge?

A person who pays or is liable to pay freight for the transportation of goods by road in goods carriage and is located in a taxable territory shall be treated as the receiver of service.

Payment by Sender
If the supplier of goods (consignor) pays the Goods Transport Agency (GTA), the consignor will be considered the recipient of the service. If the consignor falls under one of the specified categories (such as a factory, registered society, GST-registered person, etc.), they will be responsible for paying GST on a reverse charge basis.

Payment by Receiver
If the liability for freight payment lies with the receiver (consignee), then the consignee will be considered the recipient of the transportation services. If the consignee falls into any of the specified categories (such as a factory, registered society, GST-registered person, etc.), they will be responsible for paying GST under the reverse charge mechanism.

Various Scenarios to Determine Who is Liable to Pay GST in case of GTA

Service Provider Supplier/ Consignor Receiver of goods/ Consignee Person paying Freight Person liable to pay GST
GTA A company (Whether or not registered under GST) Partnership Firm (Whether or not registered under GST) Company Company
GTA Partnership Firm (Whether or not registered under GST) Registered Dealer X X X
GTA Partnership Firm (Whether or not registered under GST) Registered Dealer X Firm Firm
GTA A Co-Op Society Ltd (Whether or not registered under GST) Registered Dealer X X X
GTA A Co-Op Society Ltd (Whether or not registered under GST) Registered Dealer X A Co-operative Society Ltd A Co-operative Society Ltd
GTA Company A Ltd. (Whether or not registered under GST) Company B Ltd. (Whether or not registered under GST) B Ltd B Ltd
GTA URD A Registered Dealer X A X
GTA URD A Registered Dealer X X X
GTA URD A URD F F Exempted

Input Tax Credit

If GTA Pays GST -
GTA can pay either 12% GST with ITC or pay 5% GST without ITC.
However, the GTA has to pay GST at the beginning of the Financial year.

If Service Receiver Pays GST Under RCM
Service receivers can always avail of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the GST paid under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). However, the Goods Transport Agency (GTA) cannot claim ITC in GST paid under the reverse charge mechanism.

Invoicing for GTA
A GST-compliant invoice issued by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) must include the following details:

  1. Name of the consignor and consignee
  2. Registration number of the carriage of the goods in which the goods are transported
  3. Details of the goods transported
  4. The gross weight of the consignment
  5. Details of the place of origin and destination
  6. GSTIN of the person liable for paying tax (whether consignor, consignee, or goods transport agency)
  7. Name, address, and GSTIN (if applicable) of the GTA
  8. Tax invoice number (must be generated consecutively, with each invoice having a unique number for that financial year)
  9. Date of issue
  10. Description of service
  11. Taxable value of supply
  12. Applicable rate of GST (with clear mention of CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST, and cess rates)
  13. Amount of tax (with a breakup of CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST, and cess amounts)
  14. Indication of whether GST is payable on a reverse charge basis
  15. Signature of the supplier

Returns to be Filed by a GTA

If all the services provided by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) fall under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM), then the GTA is not required to register under GST. However, if a GTA chooses to register, it must file the following returns:

  1. GSTR-1: Sales return
  2. GSTR-3B: Summary and tax liability return

These returns can be filed either monthly or quarterly, along with one annual return in the form of GSTR-9.

How to Determine Place of Supply for a GTA?

The place of supply for services related to the transportation of goods, including those provided by mail or courier, is determined as follows:

  • (a) For a registered person, the place of supply is the location of that person.
  • (b) For a person other than a registered person, the place of supply is the location where the goods are handed over for transportation.

Understanding GST implications for Goods Transport Agencies can be complicated, especially for small business owners who lack the knowledge of taxes.

If you are someone struggling to stay compliant with taxes or want to retain your peace of mind by hiring a professional tax expert. Don’t worry! Tax2win’s tax experts can help you with taxes right from GST registration to GST filing. Book a tax expert now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Who pays GST while hiring a GTA?

The responsibility for paying GST on Goods Transport Agency (GTA) services primarily falls on the recipient of the service under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). This means that businesses hiring GTAs, including factories, corporations, and other entities, are liable to pay the GST instead of the GTA itself.

Q- Who is eligible for ITC on GTA services?

It is important to note that Input Tax Credit (ITC) can only be claimed if the Goods Transport Agency (GTA) has discharged its GST liability on the services provided. The recipient should verify that the GTA has filed the necessary GST returns and paid the GST liability. Additionally, another crucial condition for availing ITC on GTA services is the requirement for invoice matching.

Q- What is the GST rate for GTA agency?

In addition to the previously mentioned cases, the taxation rates for GST on the transport of goods by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) are as follows:

  • 5% GST: Applicable when Input Tax Credit (ITC) is not availed.
  • 12% GST: Applicable when ITC is availed.

Q- Ajay hired a GTA to transport his goods. The consideration charged was Rs. 1,200. Will Ajay pay GST?

Ajay will not pay GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) because the consideration for the transportation of goods in a single consignment is less than ₹1,500.

Q- Vinod hired a GTA to transport goods. The GTA was asked to come 2 days as Vinod would receive the goods in batches. The entire consideration was Rs. 600. Will Vinod pay GST?

Ajay will not pay GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) since the consideration for transporting goods in a single consignment is below ₹1,500.

Q- The GTA is registered at Assam and its branch is collecting cash in Kolkata on his behalf. Recipient of service Anand is in Kolkata. If Anand was registered, would he have charged IGST or SGST/CGST under RCM?

If the original transporter in Assam bills Anand directly, then IGST should be charged. However, if the transporter bills the branch, then SGST and CGST will apply.

Q- Anand has received a one-time contract to sell garments to a dealer in Mumbai. Anand hires a truck to send the goods.

Since Anand is not registered under GST, he cannot make any inter-state sales. To engage in inter-state sales, he must register as a casual taxable person. Once registered, when he hires a truck to send the garments, he will automatically be liable to pay GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM).

Q- Anand’s turnover has increased to 45 lakhs. He wants to shift to composition schemes as he sells mainly to end consumers. But he is worried as his GTA has told him they would not deliver his goods if he is registered under composition scheme as the GTA becomes liable for GST.

This is a common misconception. Even composition dealers are liable to pay GST under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). Anand will pay GST under RCM if he hires a Goods Transport Agency (GTA), regardless of whether he is registered as a composition dealer or as a regular dealer.

The concept of RCM for GTAs existed under service tax as well. Since pure transportation services are predominantly provided by the unorganised sector, they have been specifically excluded from the tax net. For GTAs, the liability to pay GST typically falls on the recipients under RCM. However, the GTA has the option to pay under forward charge.

Initially, transporters were confused due to the law stating that "persons required to pay tax under reverse charge" must be compulsorily registered. As a result, transporters were hesitant to work with unregistered dealers for fear of needing to register themselves. To alleviate this confusion, the government issued clarifications and FAQs specifically addressing GTAs.

CA Abhishek Soni
CA Abhishek Soni

Abhishek Soni is a Chartered Accountant by profession & entrepreneur by passion. He is the co-founder & CEO of Tax2win is amongst the top 25 emerging startups of Asia and authorized ERI by the Income Tax Department. In the past, he worked in EY and comes with wide industry experience from telecom, retail to manufacturing to entertainment where he has handled various national and international assignments.