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What is Credit Transfer Document (CTD) Under GST?

Updated on: 03 Feb, 2025 07:25 PM

The Ministry of Finance introduced the Credit Transfer Document (CTD) in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) framework to transfer CENVAT credit on specified goods held by a trader as of the GST implementation date. Manufacturers can issue a CTD using TRANS 3 through the GST portal. This article provides a detailed look at the GST Credit Transfer Document.

What is the meaning of Credit Transfer Document in GST?

Credit transfer document is an evidence of payment of duty of excise on goods manufactured and cleared by him before the applicability of GST.

A Credit Transfer Document (CTD) is a form issued by a manufacturer as proof of Excise Duty payment on goods manufactured and cleared before July 1. These goods must be cleared to a person who isn’t registered under the Central Excise Act but is a registered trader under GST.

The requirement of Credit Transfer document will arise when:

  • A manufacturer who was registered under Central Excise Act,1944
  • Paid excise duty
  • On goods manufactured and cleared by him
  • Before GST came into force
  • And gets registered under GST
Issue Credit Transfer Document

What are the contents of Credit Transfer Document ?

S.No. Particulars
1. Central Excise Registration no.
2. Invoice No.
3. Date of removal
4. Serial No.
5. Address of concerned Central Excise Division
6. Name, address & GSTIN of person to whom it is issued
7. Description & classification of goods
8. Mode of transport & Vehicle registration No.
9. Rate of duty
10. Quantity & Value

What are the conditions to issue Credit Transfer Document by the manufacturer?

  • The value of goods for which CTD is issued shall be more than Rs. 25,000/- per piece.
  • Such goods shall bear the brand name of manufacturer.
  • Following documents shall be available with the manufacturer for verification
    1. Records related to clearance of goods
    2. Records related to payment of duty on such goods
  • The dealer to whom Credit Transfer Document issued must have in possession of such goods without any change in the form of goods.
  • Credit transfer document is required to be issued within 30 days of the appointed date.
  • CTD shall not be issued in favour of a dealer to whom invoice was issued for the same goods before the appointed date.
  • At the time of supply of such goods, dealer should mention corresponding CTD number on the invoice.

What are the duties of the Trader in respect of CTD?

The Trader shall have the following duties in respect of CTD

  • Dealer shall make available records maintained in TRAN 3B to Central Excise Officer on demand.
  • The dealer shall keep safe all the invoices and documents vouching details of purchase and sale including those from intermediaries, for which credit is being availed.
  • For availing the credit the dealer shall submit particulars online in FormTRAN 3 within 60 days.
  • For the goods on which dealer has taken credit, corresponding CTD number shall be mentioned on the invoice further issued by him
  • No credit shall be available to the dealer on manufacture of identical goods which are purchased from manufacturer and is available in dealer's stock.

Which documents are required to be maintained & furnished by the dealer & manufacturer ?

By Manufacturer By Dealer
Manufacturer issuing CTD shall submit details in Table 1 of TRANS 3 within 60 days of appointed date. Dealer receiving CTD shall submit details in Table 2 of TRANS 3 within 60 days of appointed date.
Manufacturer issuing CTD shall maintain records in the form TRANS 3A. Dealer receiving CTD shall maintain records in the form TRANS 3B.
Records related to clearance of goods and payment of duty on such goods. Copies of all invoices related to buy & sell from the manufacturer.
Credit Transfer Document
Credit Transfer Document
Credit Transfer Document

What are the liabilities of the manufacturer issuing CTD?

The manufacturer issuing credit transfer document shall take into consideration the following factors while making such issue

  • Make sure that the dealer is in possession of goods in the same form as originally cleared by him.
  • In case the invoice has been issued before the appointed date, no further CTD shall be issued to such dealer
  • Manufacturer shall be jointly and severally liable in case credit is availed twice by the dealer
  • CTD shall have copies of invoices annexed to it
  • The CTD records maintained in TRAN 3A shall, on demand be made available to the Central Excise officer for verification.
  • CTD shall be issued within 30 days of the appointed date
  • The details pertaining to CTD issues shall be furnished within 60 Days in form TRAN 3

What are the consequences of availing credit twice on the same goods?

For availing the credit the dealer needs CTD (credit transfer document) from the manufacturer. In case credit is availed twice by the dealer then, the responsibility of the same would be casted jointly and severally on dealer and manufacturer. They shall be responsible for any excess credit availed and provisions under CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 in respect of

  • Recovery
  • Interest and
  • Penalty

Shall be equally attracted on such dealer and manufacturer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Who is required to file Form GST TRAN 3 ?

Table 1 of TRAN 3 is required to be filed by manufacturer issuing CTD and Tabel 2 of TRAN 3 is required to file the dealer who is claiming credit on the basis of CTD.

Q- Can we modify the details submitted in TRAN 3 ?

Details once submitted in TRAN 3 cannot be modified.

Q- What is credit transfer document in GST?

A Credit Transfer Document (CTD) is a key tool under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system, enabling the transfer of input tax credit between registered entities. It serves as proof of the credit transfer, allowing the recipient to claim credit for input taxes paid by the transferor.

Q- What is the CENVAT credit in GST?

CENVAT credit allows manufacturers to offset taxes if they use certain inputs in their production process. Manufacturers can claim CENVAT credit in cases such as excise duty on a final product, applicable to those who manufacture or produce final goods.

CA Abhishek Soni

CA Abhishek Soni
Founder & CEO at Tax2win

Abhishek Soni is a Chartered Accountant by profession and an entrepreneur by passion. He has wide industry experience in telecom, retail, manufacturing, and entertainment and has handled various national and international assignments. He is the co-founder and CEO of Tax2win, an online tax filing platform, provides the easiest way to e-file your Income Tax Return in India. Through, Abhishek endeavors to revolutionize how individuals file their income tax returns, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience.