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    Section 54F: Capital Gains Can be Invested Multiple Times to Buy a New Residential House Property

    Updated on: 26 Jul, 2024 03:08 PM

    Budget 2024 Updates

    Long-term capital gains
    • Exemption on LTCG has been increased from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1.25 lakhs per annum.
    • LTCG rate on all financial as well as non-financial assets has been increased to 12.5%.
    Short-term capital gains
    • STCG on specified financial assets will be charged at 20%.
    • STCG on other non-financial assets will be taxed at applicable slab rates.
    • Unlisted bonds and debentures, debt mutual funds, and market linked debentures, irrespective of holding period, however, will attract tax on capital gains at applicable rates.

    Tax planning has become a crucial aspect of taxpayers' financial journey these days. With an increase in the overall income, people are finding more and more ways to save taxes by investing in various schemes. The Indian Income Tax Act contains multiple provisions that allow taxpayers to claim an exemption across various sections. Section 54F of the Income Tax Act is one such section of the Income Tax Act that allows tax exemption on the sale proceeds from capital assets except house property if such gains are reinvested for the construction or purchase of house property.

    Recent Update: The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi, has allowed multiple-year exemption u/s54F for a house under construction. In other words, the taxpayers can now invest the capital gains for the second or third time also towards the new house property.

    What is Section 54F of the Income Tax Act?

    Section 54F of the Income Tax Act allows individuals to claim an exemption on long-term capital gains earned from selling long-term capital assets like jewelry, shares, and other capital assets except for house property if such sale proceeds are reinvested for the purpose of purchasing or constructing a house.

    The proceeds from the sale of capital assets like gold, jewelry, and other capital assets are subject to tax in the hands of the taxpayer. However, if such sale proceeds are reinvested for the purchase or construction of a house property, then such gains can be claimed as an exemption under section 54F. However, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled in order to claim this exemption.

    Who can Claim Exemption Under Section 54F?

    Section 54F of the Income Tax Act provides an opportunity for individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUF) to avail of exemption on capital gains by investing in a residential house.

    Key conditions to qualify for exemptions under Section 54F include:

    • Type of Taxpayer: Applicable to both individuals and HUFs.
      The capital gain results from the transfer of long-term capital assets other than a residential house.
    • Ownership of Assets: The taxpayer should not own more than one house.
      The residential house must be purchased within one year before the sale or two years after the sale of the capital asset. If constructing a house, completion must occur within three years from the sale. Otherwise, the exemption can be withdrawn.
      The residential house cannot be sold within three years of purchase, or else the exemption will be revoked.
    • Time of sale: If any other house is purchased within one year from the sale of the capital asset or the construction of another house is completed within three years, the exemption will be withdrawn.
      If the taxpayer fails to utilize the sale proceeds for buying or constructing the house before the due date for e filing Income Tax Return (ITR), the proceeds must be deposited in a 'Capital Gains Account' with a bank.

    Assets for which Section 54F exemption is available

    • Shares and Securities
    • Land or property other than residential houses
    • Jewelry, archaeological collections, drawings, paintings, or any art piece

    Eligbility Conditions for Sale

    • Reinvesting the sale consideration: Section 54F exemption is subject to the amount of sale consideration that is reinvested for the purchase or construction of a neww residential property. If the entire sum is reinvested, the full amount is exempt. Similarly, if a portion of the sale proceeds is reinvested, the exemption under section 54F is allowed proportionately.
    • Investment Period: Purchase or construct the new residential property within one year before or two years after selling the asset. Remember, this three-year window is crucial to qualify for the exemption.
    • Lock-in Period: The new property invested in should not be sold within 3 years of purchase or construction.

    Case Study

    If an individual sells multiple properties to buy a new residential house, then is there an exemption available for capital gains on the sale of all such properties? Will this exemption be allowed on the sale of all properties against the purchase of the same new residential property?

    A taxpayer sold his commercial property and invested the amount received in constructing a house. He claimed a deduction u/s 54F in 2008-09 against the investment made in constructing a farmhouse.

    In 2010-11, the taxpayer sold his 5 properties and invested the proceeds in constructing the same house. He claimed a deduction of Rs.1.59 crores u/s 54F in 2010-11 against the investment in the same house.

    As per the rules of section 54F, the exemption cannot be granted where the taxpayer has more than one residential house other than the new house on the date of transfer of the original asset.

    The ITAT allowed the exemption under section 54F to the taxpayer as he fulfilled all the conditions for claiming the exemption under section 54F.

    Have more questions regarding capital gain taxation? Reach out to our tax experts to guide you through the complexities of capital gain tax and help you claim maximum deductions.

    File ITR

    What is Capital Gain Account Scheme (CGAS)?

    A Capital Gain Account Scheme, or CGAS, is a governmental scheme that allows taxpayers to park their capital gains in the CGAS account and secure their exemption under sections 54 and 54F if they are not able to reinvest the capital gain proceeds immediately.

    Here’s an example: Mr. Ravi had capital gains of Rs.10 lakhs from the sale of property on 23rd March 2023. However, the date of the ITR filing was close, and he couldn't reinvest this amount in a new property in such a short time. So, he kept the capital gains in a CGAS account, which enabled him to claim the exemption under sections 54 and 54F.

    Note: The taxpayer must reinvest the funds parked in the CGAS account within 2 years; otherwise, the exemption can be revoked.

    How Much Capital Gain Exemption is Available Under Section 54F?

    Let's consider an example to illustrate the application of capital gains exemptions according to Section 54F.

    For instance,
    An investor sells capital assets valued at approximately Rs 50 lakh, resulting in capital gains of Rs 10 lakh. The investor decides to reinvest this amount towards the purchase or construction of a residential house.

    Now, two scenarios can unfold:

    Scenario 1: Reinvestment of the entire amount
    If the investor reinvests the entire proceeds from the asset sale into the purchase or construction of a residential house, they can claim the full long-term capital gain exemption of Rs. 10 lakh.

    Scenario 2: Partial reinvestment of sale proceeds
    In cases where only a portion of the sale proceeds is reinvested in the construction or purchase of the residential property, only a proportionate amount of the long-term capital gains is exempted under Section 54F. The following formula can be used to determine the exempted amount:

    Exemption under Section 54F
    = (Amount Re-Invested / Net Consideration) * Long-Term Capital Gain
    Using the aforementioned example,
    Assuming the investor reinvests Rs. 40 lakhs,
    The capital gains exemption would be: (40 lakh/50 lakh) * 10 lakhs
    Resulting in a capital gains exemption of Rs. 8 lakhs

    What are the Exceptions to the Capital Gain Exemption Under Section 54F?

    Exemption under Section 54F of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for long-term capital gains is not applicable if:

    • The taxpayer possesses more than one residential property at the time of transferring the actual asset. However, the residential property purchased using the long-term capital gains to avail exemption under Section 54F is exempted from this provision.
    • The taxpayer constructs an additional residential property within three years from the transfer date of the original asset. However, the newly constructed property intended for claiming exemption under Section 54F is exempted from this provision.
    • The purchase of the new property should be made before 1 year before the sale or 2 years after the sale of the property.
    • The taxpayer acquires an additional house within one year from the transfer date of the original asset. Similarly, the new property purchased to claim exemption under Section 54F is also exempted from this provision.

    How is Section 54 Different from Section 54F?

    Given below are the points of difference between section 54 and section 54F -

    Basis Section 54 Section 54F
    Type of asset eligible for exemption Sale of residential property Sale of assets other than residential property
    Maximum deduction allowed Up to Rs. 10 crores (as per Union Budget 2023) Up to Rs. 10 crores (as per Union Budget 2023)
    Reinvestment requirement Entire capital gains must be reinvested Entire sale proceeds must be reinvested
    Treatment of uninvested amount The remaining amount taxed as long-term capital gains Proportionate exemption allowed
    Ownership of residential properties Not mandatory Not allowed to own more than one residential house at the time of sale of an old asset
    Number of properties eligible for exemption One-time exemption for investment in two properties if capital gains ≤ Rs. 2 crores No such exemption available

    What are the Consequences if Conditions are not Fulfilled After Claiming the Exemption Under Section 54F?

    There are two scenarios in which you wouldn’t be fulfilling the conditions after claiming the exemptions under Section 54F of the Income Tax Act.

    • Not reinvesting the capital gains: If you don't use the sale proceeds to buy a new residential house within a specific timeframe (one year for purchase, three years for construction), the exemption you claimed under Section 54F gets withdrawn. The capital gains you earlier exempted will be considered long-term capital gains of the year in which the deadline to invest passed. This means you'll have to pay tax on those gains.
    • Buying another property too soon: Section 54F also restricts you from purchasing another residential property within two years from the sale of the old one (or constructing one within three years). If you do buy another property within this period, the exemption under Section 54F is revoked again. The previously exempted capital gains are treated as long-term capital gains of the year you bought the new property.

    Now that you are aware of the exemption under section 54F, make sure you don’t miss out on claiming it. If you find taxes complicated, you can also consider getting help from our team of expert chartered accountants, who are always ready to help you with your taxes. Don’t wait for the last date to file ITR. Hire an Online Chartered Accountant Now!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q- What is the investment limit for Section 54F?

    The Income Tax Act sets the exemption limit under Section 54F to Rs. 10 crores, as announced in the Union Budget 2023 on April 1, 2023. Earlier, there was no maximum limit on the exemption available under section 54F.

    Q- Can I claim a capital gains exemption under section 54EC on the sale of multiple properties?

    You must not possess more than one residential house when selling the original asset. If you sell this newly acquired property within three years of purchase, the exemption will be revoked, and any capital gains from its sale will be subject to short-term capital gains tax. Get eCA help to plan your capital gain taxes.

    Q- Is capital gains exempt from 54F?

    Section 54F of the Income Tax Act, 1961, permits tax exemption on long-term capital gains generated from the sale of a capital asset excluding a residential property. Thus, if you sell assets such as shares, bonds, jewelry, or gold, this provision applies.

    Q- What is the reinvestment period for capital gains?

    Individuals must reinvest the proceeds into specified assets within six months from the day the asset was sold. The capital gains should not exceed the investment amount. If only a portion of the gains is reinvested, the exemption under capital gains applies only to the reinvested amount.

    Q- Can I claim 54EC and 54F claimed together?

    Yes, you can claim both exemptions under Section 54EC for land or building and under Section 54F if it's not a residential house. To qualify, you must meet the conditions specified in each section.

    Q- What is the difference between 54F and 54EC?

    The Income Tax Act imposes taxes on long-term capital gains (LTCG). Nevertheless, Sections 54, 54F, and 54EC offer avenues for obtaining a tax exemption. Sections 54 and 54F involve utilizing capital gains for purchasing a home, while Section 54EC permits the purchase of specified government bonds, enabling exemption from LTCG tax.

    Q- What are the major changes brought about in the taxation of capital gains by the Finance (No.2) Bill, 2024?

    The taxation of capital gains is now simpler and more rational. This rationalization and simplification involve five main aspects:

    • Holding periods are now simplified to just one year and two years.
    • Rates are standardized for most assets.
    • Indexation is removed for easier calculation, and the rate is reduced from 20% to 12.5%.
    • Residents and non-residents are treated equally.
    • Roll over benefits remain unchanged.

    Q- What is the date when the new taxation provisions come into force?

    The new provisions for the taxation of capital gains come into effect on July 23, 2024, and apply to any transfers made on or after that date.

    Q- How has the holding period been simplified?

    Previously, there were three holding periods to consider an asset a long-term capital asset. Now, the holding period has been simplified to two periods: one year for listed securities and two years for all other assets.

    Q- Please elaborate on the change in the rate structure for STT paid capital assets?

    The rate for short-term STT paid listed equity, equity-oriented mutual funds, and units of business trusts (Section 111A) has increased from 15% to 20%. Similarly, the rate for these assets for the long-term (Section 112A) has increased from 10% to 12.5%.

    Q- Who will benefit from the change in rate from 20% (with indexation) to 12.5% (without indexation)?

    The reduction in the rate will benefit all categories of assets. In most cases, taxpayers will benefit significantly. However, where the gain is limited compared to inflation, the benefit may be minimal or absent in a few cases. Budget 2024 has Retained the indexation benefit for properties purchased before 1.4.2001. However, the indexation benefit has been removed for the properties purchased after 1.4.2001.

    Q- Can the taxpayer continue to avail the rollover benefits on capital gains?

    Yes, the rollover benefits remain unchanged. Taxpayers can still take advantage of these benefits under the IT Act. This means that taxpayers who want to save on long-term capital gains tax, even with the lower rates, can continue to use the rollover benefits if they meet the applicable conditions.

    Q- After removing indexation benefit in budget 2024, what would be the Cost of Acquisition as on 1.4.2001 for properties purchased prior to 2001?

    For properties (land, buildings, or both) purchased before April 1, 2001, the cost of acquisition as of April 1, 2001, shall be the:

    • Cost of acquisition of the asset to the assessee; or
    • Fair market value of the asset as of April 1, 2001, not exceeding the stamp duty value, wherever available.


    S.No. Particulars Amount
    1. Cost of acquisition of property in 1990 5 lakhs
    2. Stamp duty value as on 1.4.2001 10 lakhs
    3. FMV of the property as on 1.4.2001 12 lakhs
    4. Sale consideration
    (Property sold on or after 23.7.2024)
    1 crore
    5. Cost of acquisition as on 1.4.2001
    (lower of stamp duty value or FMV)
    10 lakhs
    6. Indexed cost of acquisition in FY 2024-25 = 10x363/100 = 36.3 lakhs 36.3 lakhs
    LTCG (old) Tax (old) @20% LTCG (New) Tax (New) @12.5%
    63.7 lakhs 12.74 lakhs 90 lakhs 11.25 lakhs

    The taxpayer will have the option to avail roll over benefits for saving of tax.

    CA Abhishek Soni
    CA Abhishek Soni

    Abhishek Soni is a Chartered Accountant by profession & entrepreneur by passion. He is the co-founder & CEO of Tax2Win.in. Tax2win is amongst the top 25 emerging startups of Asia and authorized ERI by the Income Tax Department. In the past, he worked in EY and comes with wide industry experience from telecom, retail to manufacturing to entertainment where he has handled various national and international assignments.
