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Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Company: A Complete Guide

Updated on: 03 Feb, 2025 07:25 PM

A corporate identification number or CIN is an exclusive identification code provided by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to Indian companies after their GST registration. This number is used to identify the details of the company, its incorporation, the nature of the entity, etc. This guide will help you understand all that you must know about the Corporate Identification Number or CIN number.

What is the Corporate Identification Number (CIN)?

CIN, or Corporate Identification Number, is a 12-digit alphanumeric code or number. This number is issued to companies incorporated within the country on being registered by the ROC of different states across India under the MCA.

CIN is provided to the following companies registered in India -

  • Private Limited Companies (PLC)
  • One Person Companies (OPC)
  • Companies owned by the Government of India
  • State Government Companies
  • Not-for-profit company under section 8
  • Nidhi companies

CIN is not given to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) registered in India. A CIN includes the following essential details -

  • Year of Incorporation
  • State Code
  • Company Type
  • Listing Status

What is the Importance of Corporate Identification Number?

CIN helps track all the activities of a company from its incorporation by ROC. It should be provided in all the transactions with the respective ROC.

The 21-digit CIN provides essential information about a company and can be easily interpreted. It is used to access the basic details of companies registered under the MCA within the country.

It is a unique number that can be used to identify or track companies for different levels of information that the MCA/ROC holds. The CIN acts as an identity of the organization and additional information about the company registered under ROC.

What are the Abbreviations Used in CIN Number?

The abbreviations used in Section 5 of the CIN are given as follows -

FLC - Financial lease company as public limited
FTC - Subsidiary of a foreign company as a private limited company
GAP - General Association Public
GAT - General Association Private
GOI - Companies owned by the government of India
NPL - Not-for-profit license company (section 8 company)
OPC - One person company
PLC - Public limited company
PTC - Private limited company
SGC - Companies owned by the state government
ULL - Public limited company with unlimited liability
ULT - Private company with unlimited liability

What are the Components of a CIN?

The 21 digits of a CIN represent information about the company. It can be broken down into six different sections. Here are the sections and the information each section contains -

  • Section 1 - It is the first character of a CIN, which represents whether a company is listed or unlisted on the Indian stock market. If the company is listed, the first letter of CIN will be ‘L,’ and if the company is unlisted, the first letter of CIN will be ‘U.’
  • Section 2 - It consists of the next set of 5 numeric digits that categorize the industry to which the company belongs. The classification is made on the basis of the nature of economic activities being carried out by such establishments.
  • Section 3 - The next two letters of the code denote the state where the company is registered. For example, MH is for Maharashtra, DL is for Delhi.
  • Section 4 - It consists of the next set of 4 numeric digits. These digits denote the year of incorporation of the company.
  • Section 5 - The next three letters denote the type of classification of the company. In other words, these three letters help identify whether the company is a private limited company or a public limited company. For example, FTC means the company is a subsidiary of a foreign company, and GOI means it is a government company.
  • Section 6 - The remaining six numeric digits represent the registration number provided by the respective Registrar of Companies (ROC).

What is the Use of Corporate Identification Number?

All the companies established in India have to quote their CIN on various documents, including -

  • Invoices, bills, and receipts
  • On notice
  • On memos
  • On letterheads
  • Annual reports and audits
  • Every e-form submission on the MCA portal
  • Company’s official publications
  • Any other company publications

What is the Penalty for Non-compliance of Mentioning CIN?

If the requirements mentioned above are not adhered to and the CIN is not mentioned wherever required, it could result in a penalty of Rs.1,000 per day on the defaulting company and every officer who is in default till the time this default continues. The maximum penalty for default in mentioning the CIN number is limited to Rs.1,00,000.

When can a CIN be Changed?

CIN, which is provided to every registered company for identification purposes, can be changed in the following situations -

  • Any change in the listing status of the company
  • Any change in the location or change in the state where the company’s registered office is situated.
  • Any change in the industry/sector to which a company belongs.

How to Obtain a CIN?

Given below are the simple steps that you need to follow to obtain a CIN -

  • Step 1. Choose a Name - Select a unique name of the company. Make sure that it follows government rules.
  • Step 2. Decide Company Type - Select a company type that suits your business.
  • Step 3. Get DIN and DSC - Obtain a Director Identification Number and Digital Signature Certificate.
  • Step 4. Reserve your chosen name - Reserve the name you have selected to ensure it is exclusive in nature.
  • Step 5. Create important documents - Create and draft important documents like Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA). These documents should outline your company’s goals and rules.
  • Step 6. Apply and Pay - Submit your application to the ROC and pay the required fees.
  • Step 7. Get CIN - The RoC reviews your application and once approved, you’ll receive a Certificate of Incorporation (COI) that confirms your company’s registration and includes your CIN.

Every GST-registered company has to obtain a CIN number to ensure compliance with the law. It is mandatory to mention the CIN number on various documents throughout the course of business. If you need help with GST registration or GST filing services, get in touch with our tax experts. Book Online CA Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q- How to apply for CIN?

A CIN is an alphanumeric number assigned to a company by the Registrar of Companies on its registration date. This CIN is included in the company's Certificate of Incorporation, and it is automatically issued when the company is incorporated and approved by the Registrar of Companies.

Q- How can I find my company's CIN number?

You can find a company’s CIN on the MCA website by following these steps:

  • Visit the MCA website.
  • Click on the ‘MCA Services’ tab on the home page.
  • From the drop-down list under ‘Company Services,’ select the ‘Check CIN’ option.
  • Choose the ‘Search Based on Existing Company / LLP Name’ option.
  • Enter the company name under the ‘Existing Company’ section, type the captcha code, and click the ‘Search’ button.
  • The company’s CIN will be displayed.

Q- Are CIN and GST the same?

No, a CIN is an identification number assigned to registered companies by the Registrar of Companies when the company registration certificate is issued. In contrast, a GSTIN is an identification number issued to companies and businesses registered under GST law. These two numbers serve different purposes and are not the same.

Q- Is CIN allotted to LLP?

No, a CIN is assigned to a registered company, while an LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) is assigned to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) by the Registrar of Companies. Therefore, a CIN is only issued to companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013, and not to LLPs.

Q- How to read a CIN number?

The first section indicates the company's listing status: 'L' for listed and 'U' for unlisted. The next section, consisting of 5 digits, represents the industry code, which is a unique identifier assigned by the ROC based on the company's industry.

Q- Who is eligible for a CIN number?

Companies incorporated in India, whether public or private limited, are eligible for a Corporate Identification Number (CIN). However, sole proprietorships and partnership firms do not require a CIN. Similarly, LLPs are not eligible for a CIN number.

Nitya Nair

Nitya Nair
Content Lead

With over 8 years of versatile writing experience, Nitya is the content lead at Tax2win. Whether it's simplifying complex tax concepts or exploring the intricacies of financial regulations, her writing not only educates but also empowers readers to make informed decisions. She finds inspiration in the world of books and believes in the transformative power of knowledge.