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Income Tax on Gifts


Gifting is a precious tradition in India. But what about the tax implications? This video explains the rules for gift taxation in India.

What is a Gift under the Income Tax Act?

The Income Tax Act defines a gift as any money, movable or immovable property received without any consideration (payment). This includes:

  • Cash, bank transfers, or cheques
  • Movable properties: Shares, bonds, jewelry, artwork, etc. (including those received below fair market value)
  • Immovable properties: Land, buildings, etc. (including those acquired below stamp value)

How are Gifts Taxed?
Gifts from relatives are generally exempt from tax, regardless of the amount. Relatives include:

  • Spouse
  • Siblings (yours and your spouse's)
  • Parents' siblings
  • Linear ancestors and descendants (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc.)
  • Spouses of the above-mentioned persons
  • Members of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)

Gifts from non-relatives exceeding Rs. 50,000 in a year are taxable. The entire amount received is considered income in the recipient's hands and taxed accordingly.

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